Welcome to my Portfolio

Aaron J. Souza

36 Village Drive UNIT 103
Marion, MA 02738
Email: aaron@aaronjsouza.com

This portfolio in front of you represents who I am - a motivated individual with creativity who loves to learn about new technology. On this page you will find links to websites and scripts I have created myself. My Computer Technology education is from Bristol Community College of Fall River, MA as well as time spent on my own learning more about the computer environment, Computer Security as well as webpage building using HTML and CSS. The first link on this page directs to a page of my resume.

This is a webpage I made for the BCC CIS department.
There are plenty of links to click on that will bring you to various sites of the college.
Here is an outline of what you can find :
On the left frame you can click on 'Admission Information' that will bring you to the admissions page. In the middle frame you can click on the 'Department Directory' link. You can click on 'Go to Sports' or 'Go to Campus Police' that will bring you to the links on my page. To go to those pages click on the pictures to go to those respectively pages. You can click on the different BCC locations and at the bottom there are links to go back to top of page.
On the right frame you can click the top picture that says BCC and it'll bring you to the home page. Then in CIS Professors, you can click on the names of the professor and it will bring you to their respective websites. Click on email to bring up an email application to email the professor. There are some other links to various departments of the colege and finally there is an 'Information Request' form that can be filled out and it will email the form to (right now it is just sending it to my personal email).

This next linki is to a webpage that I made for fun with different games and scripts and many events. When you click the link to go to the original BCC CIS page, there is also an event at the bottom. Click on the link and it can tell you how many more credits you need to graduate.

This next link is an HTML format syllabus that I created for a professor at Bristol Community College. I used 'iframes' to build this with the look it has even though it is not used anymore.

Here is a Javascript I made to calculate your total pay for the week.
It will either take you hourly wage and multiply by the hours or take the salary and divide it by 52 weeks.
If you are enrolled in a medical plan, it can deduct the amount out of your pay.


Enter Type

Medical Plan
Plan A ($50)
Plan B ($35)
Plan C ($25)

Your weekly pay is: